Hello, my name is TheEager!
Current time is: 07:20:15
I am alive from 133 days 18:17:19 hours!
My longest life was 134 days 11:41:40 hours!
My themperature is 40.3 ℃.
Battery capacity is : 93.0%. My AC power is ON!
AC Power adapter output voltage is 4.91 V, and current is 547.50 mA.
Power consumption is 2.69 W!
My root disk space is 240 GB, and free space is 95.34 GB.
Your are viewing me from IP address :
My last 10 speedtest
Date DW UP
2024-11-21 07:15:37 48.776 Mbps 90.776 Mbps
2024-11-21 07:00:45 51.776 Mbps 89.656 Mbps
2024-11-21 06:45:33 45.016 Mbps 90.2 Mbps
2024-11-21 06:30:41 48.512 Mbps 91.328 Mbps
2024-11-21 06:15:36 49.568 Mbps 90.864 Mbps
2024-11-21 06:00:47 44.608 Mbps 89.104 Mbps
2024-11-21 05:45:36 47.56 Mbps 91.096 Mbps
2024-11-21 05:30:34 45.744 Mbps 87.848 Mbps
2024-11-21 05:15:41 48.976 Mbps 89.752 Mbps
2024-11-21 05:00:49 42.912 Mbps 89.056 Mbps